The Royal Canal Way

The Royal Canal Way is an excellent way to make your way from the midlands to Dublin . It will eventually link Dublin with the River Shannon at Clondra in Co. Longford along the towpath of the Royal Canal...

header-royal-canal.jpgThe Royal Canal Way is an excellent way to make your way from the midlands to Dublin. It will eventually link Dublin with the River Shannon at Clondra in Co. Longford along the towpath of the Royal Canal. The Royal Canal was closed in 1960, and the towpath and the channel both became overgrown. Today they are being restored for recreation, including walking. Until the restoration is completed, the Royal Canal will end at Mullingar. You may also begin at Mullingar and make your way eastwards.

royal-canal-westmeath.jpg Being a canal bank walk, the gradient is never steep, making it an ideal introduction to long distance walking. However, walking the Royal Canal Way is possible already either as a long distance walk or as a series of short walks.
The total distance of the walk is 48 miles while the longest stage is that between Enfield and Thomastown, a distance of 14 miles.

If you would like to accommodate this picturesque walking excursion into your independent vacation or as part of your honeymoon in Ireland, speak to our Vacation Specialists.

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