Old Midleton Distillery

Home to the world-renowned brands of Irish Whiskey; Jameson, Paddy and Powers, the Old Midleton Distillery presents historic Whiskey Tours, through production of Irish Whiskey.


Midleton , Co. Cork


Home to the world-renowned brands of Irish Whiskey; Jameson, Paddy and Powers, the Old Midleton Distillery presents historic Whiskey Tours, through production of Irish Whiskey.

The distillery in the quaint town of Midleton, about 20km from Cork City , was founded by the Murphy Brothers in the early 19th Century. The Old Midleton Distillery was in production for 150 years before a new adjacent distillery complex was built in 1975. This new complex produces some 24 million bottles of Jameson, Powers and Paddy Irish whiskies each year, while the Old Distillery, restored to its former glory, guides thousands of visitors around the workings of Irish Whiskey making.

The tour starts with an informative audio-visual presentation before visitors are accompanied by an excellent tour guide through the production of Irish Whiskey and the old workings of the distillery. These old workings include the World's largest Pot Still, a 150 year old Water wheel and original Malting Houses, Corn Stores and Still Houses in a truly atmospheric tour. Naturally the tour ends at the Jameson Bar, where visitors can sample some of the "Uisce Beatha", the Irish word for whiskey, meaning water of life. The Old Midleton Distillery also has a restaurant and gift shop stocking some 25 brands of Irish Whiskey.

There are close associations between the whiskies of Ireland and Scotland however there are also some subtle but important differences. Scotch Whisky is mostly single malt, which means each whisky is distilled from one single source, whereas Irish Whiskey are mostly blends, meaning a variety of malts have been blended to produce smoother more rounded flavoured whiskies. The other difference of course is in the spelling, Irish Whiskey, Scotch Whisky.

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Visit Length



Leaflets: Yes Guided Tours: Yes Audio Visual: Yes Exhibition: Yes


Restaurant: Yes Car Park: Yes Coach Park: Yes Disabled Access: Yes


Restaurant: Yes Car Park: Yes Coach Park: Yes Disabled Access: Yes

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