Clonshire 3/5 Day Riding Package

Develop your riding skills in this top class equestrian centre.........


Arrive and check in to the beautiful Dunraven Arms Hotel in the village of Adare. After breakfast next morning head out to Clonshire and your first ride is at 10am. This is an arena lesson and is normally taken by our manager Sue Foley. This is followed by and instructional cross country ride over our 120 acre cross country course. There is a break for lunch at around 12.30pm and its back again at 2pm for the afternoons ride finishing for the day at around 3.30pm.

A typical day runs as follows:

9am Breakfast is served in the family kitchen.

10am Arena lesson combining flatwork and jumping and on the first day this is also an assessment lesson. This lesson is normally taken by the centres manager Sue Foley.

11am Cross country instructional lesson over our 120 acre parkland cross country course with natural style obstacles of differing levels of difficulty, there is something to suit erveryone.

12.30 Break for lunch
1pm Lunch is served in the family kitchen

2pm Back for the afternoon ride and this can be a gentle hack, show jumping, more cross country work or dressage.

3.30pm Finish for the afternoon - this gives you time to rest or to visit the lovely village of Adare.

6pm Dinner is served

7pm Evening riding - this is normally a cross country ride in the summer months and it gives guests a chance to meet our regular riders and chat about the horses.
In winter this would be an indoor lesson and you would be finished by around 8.30pm.

Please note evening riding is available Monday to Thursday only.

3 Day Riding Package
3 nights dinner bed and breakfast and 3 days riding €660.00 per person sharing

5 Day Riding Package
5 nights dinner bed and breakfast and 5 days riding €1100.00 per person sharing

If you would like to include this horse riding package as part of your Vacation in Ireland, talk to one of our Ireland vacation specialist about how to accommodate equestrian activities into your independent Ireland vacation or maybe as part of your honeymoon in Ireland .

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