Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

Even the best-planned travel can be impacted by the unexpected and travel to Ireland is no different.

medical emergencies…severe weather…delayed flights…lost passports or luggage and other issues can occur when you least expect them forcing you to interrupt or even cancel your trip, lose your travel investment, or incur unplanned expenses. And when you’re away from home, things like medical emergencies and illness are even more difficult and costly to manage.

Here are 5 real-life scenarios to think about:

1. You’re traveling and cut your foot while walking on the beach. Realizing you need stitches, you contact a local doctor and find out you’re outside of the coverage area for your personal health insurance cover. How would you afford the medical bills?

2. Your 4-year old child develops a severe ear infection two days before your vacation. Can you cancel your vacations and get a refund of your prepaid travel costs?

3. Your luggage never showed up at baggage claim on arrival at your destination and you just discovered you may not get it for another 1 -2 days. Can you get reimbursed for having to buy necessary personal items and clothing you’ll need until it’s returned to you?

4. You’re on a cruise ship and suffer a heart attack. How will you get to the nearest hospital for the medical attention you require? Who will pay for the high costs involved in the evacuation?

5. Just before your trip, your home suffered massive damage from a flood. You had planned to take a nice, relaxing vacation but now you have more important things to take care of. Will you lose your vacation investment?

Before your special Ireland Vacation, be sure that you invest in adaquate travel insurance that will cover you and your family for your entire trip to Ireland.

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