Telephones in Ireland

Telephones in Ireland

The phone system in Ireland is a very modern service. In the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland the public phones that can be used are Card Phones and Coin Phones. Cards for the card phones can be purchased in supermarkets, gas stations, post offices and newsagents. From the Republic of Ireland the cheapest time to call is from 6pm to 8am and all day at weekends.

Country codes
US 001 (For example to call a Philadelphia number dial 001 215 555 1234)

Canada 001 (For example to call a Montreal number dial 001 514 555 1234)

Northern Ireland 08 (For example to call a Belfast number dial 0801 232 555 1234)

UK 0044 (For example to call a London number dial 0044 171 555 1234)

To call any other country dial 00, the country code, in all cases if there are leading zero's drop them. To call directory enquiries dial 11811, for assistance in making an international call dial 114. To send a telemessage dial 196 and for Emergencies dial 999 or 112.
To call internationally dial 00, the country code and drop the leading zeros.

To call the Republic of Ireland from the US or Canada, use this code 011 353 (for example, to call Discovering Ireland Vacation in Ireland dial 011 3

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