Rent a Phone

Rent a Phone


As part of our superior service to you our Guest, discoveringIreland offers the facility to rent a cell phone during your vacation in Ireland. We have been offering this service to our guests for several years and it has proven to be extremely popular.

But why would you need a cell phone while on vacation? We've asked ourselves the same question and we believe there are many benefits to you, our Guest.

  1. The convenience to make and receive international calls to friends and family at home.
  2. 2. The ability to call your Personal Vacation Specialist at discoveringIreland toll free while on the move.
  3. 3. You can use it to call ahead to your hotel to confirm or change your reservation.
  4. 4. Nationwide coverage throughout Ireland so you can make these calls from any location at any time.
  5. 5. If you have a large group, a cell phone is the perfect way to stay in touch.
  6. 6. Much more competitive call rates compared to international roaming using your own cell phone

So how does it work?

When you book a mobile phone with discoveringIreland, it will be sent to the location of your first night's accommodation in Ireland. As well as the phone we include the charger, instructions and a stamped padded envelope which you use to return to discoveringIreland on your departure. You also receive US$14 free call credit.

What is the rental charge?

US$8.50 per phone per day plus US$53 for shipping and handling.

What if something happens to the phone?

We offer a Theft and Loss Protection plan to protect the phone.

If you chose our Theft and Loss Protection you are only responsible for a deduction of $25.00 if the equipment is stolen, lost or damaged. Clients declining Theft and Loss Protection are responsible for a maximum of $300.00 if the equipment is stolen, lost or damaged.

Our Theft and Loss Protection plan only costs $2 a day.

What are the call charges?

Your phone comes already preloaded with $14 call credit. If you require extra call credit you should order extra credit with your phone or it can be purchased at any newsagent or Post Office whilst in Ireland. If you plan on visiting Northern Ireland you will only be able to make calls to Southern Ireland while there.

How do I order a phone?

Ask your vacation guide to include a phone in your Ireland vacation package.

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