October Events in Ireland

October Events in Ireland

Click on one of the following regions to see the events:

Cork Kerry

Walk Killarney
Killarney and Kerry Heritage Wilderness and Wildlife Walks throughout the year, but specifically on Easter Weekend and October Weekend
Tel: +353 (0)64 37928
Email: Klychamber1@eircom.net
Web: www.killarney.ie

Blennerville Windmill Harvest Festival
Blennerville Windmill Forecourt Vintage cars, machinery, threshing, corn, wood turning, butter making spinning and weaving.
Tel: +353 (0)66 7121064
Email: blenmill@eircom.net

Cork Film Festival
Cork City. Cork film festival showcases feature films, documentaries, animations, short films, experimental and student work.
Tel: +353 (0)21 4271711
Email: info@corkfilmfest.org
Web: www.corkfilmfest.org

Guinness Jazz Festival
Cork Ireland's top jazz festival will host over 1,000 musicians from 30 countries- now in its 30th year.
Web: www.guinnessjazzfestival.com

Festival of World Music, Drum & Dance
Clonakility, West Cork Workshops in African drumming/dancing, bohran playing and world music singing culminating in a celebration.
Tel: +353 (0)23 40852
Email: deb@wcie.ie
Website: www.wcie.ie

Irish Ghost Family festival/ world ghost convention
Cork City Family festival exploring the supernatural and providing a feast of supernatural entertainment.
Tel: +353 (0)21 4318894
Email: irishghostfestival@yahoo.com

Balllydehob old time threshing and vintage weekend
Ballydehob, Co. Cork Old time treshing and vintage display, good family day out.
Tel: +353 (0)28 37191
Email: caureenballydehob@eircom.net

Appetite for life
Kenmare, Co. Kerry Celebration of Kenmare- Gourmet food, ex accommodation, golf horse riding, mountain climbing, walks, sailing, canoeing, boats trips, entertainment.
Tel: +353 (0)64 42618
Email: info@kenmare.com
Web: www.kenmare.com

Franciscan Well Beer Festival
Franciscan Well ,Cork Draught Beer from European Micro breweries unavailable anywhere else in Ireland.
Tel: +353 (0)21 4393939
Email: shane_long@hotmail.com
Web: www.franciscanwellbrewery.com

Traditional Music Festival
Castle Island, Co Kerry A traditional music festival to honour the musical and heritage of Sliabh luachra.
Fax: +353 (0)66 7141390
Email: cormacomahonydevelopments@hotmail.com

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Dublin Theatre Festival
Various Theatres across Dublin The Dublin Theatre Festival presents the best of Irish and International theatre on the Dublin stage.
Tel: +353 (0)1 4740154
Email: marketing@dublintheatrefestival.com
Web: www.dublintheatrefestival.com

Fingal Walking Festival
Programme includes easy and moderately strenuous walks over two days.
Tel: +353 (0)1 8400077
Email: info@fingaltourism.ie
Web: www.fingal-dublin.com

The Over 50's Show
RDS, Dublin Ireland's only lifestyle event for older people
Tel: +353 (0)1 6761811
Email: slpromotions@iol.ie
Web: www.seniortimes.ie

South Dublin County Hallowfest is an event that will celebrate the tradition of Halloween as an event for all the family.
The festive atmosphere will lure visitors with Halloween themed decorations aromas and lights etc.
Tel: +353 (0)1 4149339
Web: www.hallowfest.ie

Dublin Marathon
Dublin City and County
The 28th year of the Adidas Dublin Marathon which runs through the historic streets of Dublin.
Tel: +353 (0)1 6232250
Web: www.adidasdublinmarathon.ie

Dublin Annual Hallowe'en Parade
Dublin City Dublin's annual Halloween Parade is a celebration of Celtic heritage with music and dance where everyone can participate.
Tel: +353 (0)1 8557154
Email: applause2@eircom.net

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East & Midlands

Ernest Shackleton Autumn School
Athy Heritage Centre Museum, Co. Wicklow
The Autumn school/festival provides a forum for the discussion of polar exploration.
Tel: +353(0)59 8633075
Email: athyheritage@eircom.net
Web: www.athyheritagecentre-museum.ie

Autumn Walking Festival
Wicklow Mountains, Co. Wicklow
Tel: +353 (0)404 20070
Email: info@visitwicklow.ie
Web: www.visitwicklow.ie

Tain Festival
Dundalk, Co. Louth Music, Film, Poetry and children's activities festival.
Tel: +353 (0)42 9329649
Email: Derek@spiritstore.ie
Web: www.tainfestival.com

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North West

Bundoran Ocean Festival
Bundoran, Co.Donegal A celebration of the ocean through the mediums of art, photography, cinema, food and events by participation.
Tel: +353 (0)71 9852822

Ballyshannon Street Arts Festival
Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal A Celebration of arts and culture through the medium of literary and visual arts, dance and music.
Tel: +353 (0)71 9852822
Email: mvbrittor@bdonegalbay.com
Web: www.donegalbay.com

Sligo Festival of Baroque Music
Model Arts & Niland Gallery Ireland's premier festival of early classical music with leading baroque musicians from Ireland and Europe.
Tel: +353 (0)71 9141405
Email: info@modelart.ie
Web: www.modelart.ie

International Poetry Festival
Gorthahork, Co. Donegal The highest prize worldwide for a haiku- EUR 7,000. Workshops, master classes, and concerts hosted by Cathal O'Searacigh.
Tel: +353 (0)74 9135300
Email: suibhnem@eircom.net

Mohill Arts & Storytelling Festival
Mohill, Co. Leitrim Mohill arts & storytelling festival is now established as the premier storytelling festival in the North west.
Tel: +353 (0)71 9631840
Email: jmadden@leitrimcoco.ie
Web: www.mohillstorytelling.com

Halloween Madness
Dunfanaghy, Co. Donegal Huge fancy dress competition, children's Halloween party, giant torchlight procession followed by firework spectacular, music and entertainment.
Tel: +353 (0)74 9136548
Email: carielainchbury@hotmail.com

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Shannon Region

Heritage Week
Nationwide Over 900 events around the country.
Web: www.heritageweek.ie

Seisiun na hEireann
Quin Village, Co. Clare
Email: festival@besttradsession.com
Web: www.besttradsession.com

Dromineer Literary Festival
Dromineer, Co. Tipperary A celebration of the written word in all forms.
Tel: +353 (0)67 24953
Email: patrickjm.kelly@oceanfree.net

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South East

New Ross 800 Events
New Ross, Co. Wexford A series of festivals and events celebrating the 800th anniversary of the founding of New Ross by William Marshall in 1207.
Tel: +353 (0)51 421284
Web: www.newross.ie/newross800

Limerick City international Poetry Festival
Belltable arts centre, Limerick The 11th International poetry festival celebrating contemporary poetry.
Tel: +353 (0)61 407421
Email: artsoffice@limerickcity.ie
Web: www.limerickcity.ie

Lough Gur Story Telling Festival
Lough Gur, Bruff, Co. Limerick Lough Gur storytelling festival is a feast of entertainment with storytelling, music, song and dance.
Tel: +353 (0)61 385386
Email: kodonnell@loughgur.com
Web: www.ballyhouracountry.com

Halloween @ Bunratty Folk Park
Bunratty castle & Folk Park Halloween fun & games take place at Bunratty Folk Park on October 30th 2007.
Tel:+353 (0)61 360788
Email: reservations@shannondev.ie
Web: www.shannonheritage.com

Willie Keane Memorial Weekend
Doonbeg, Co Clare Weekend celebrates the life of Willie Keane through the shared enjoyment of traditional music song and dance.
Tel: +353 (0)65 9055208
Email: info@williekeanememorialweekend.com
Web: www.williekeanememorialweekend.com

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Northern Ireland

Banks of the Foyle Halloween Carnival
Derry City, County Londonderry. Halloween events for all the family as the streets come alive with a spectacular carnival parade through the City Centre, outstanding fireworks and fantastic line up of great music.
Tel: +44 (0) 28 7137 6545
Web: www.derrycity.gov.uk/halloween

Belfast Festival at Queen's
Various venues throughout Belfast. The Festival covers all art forms including theatre, dance, classical music, literature, jazz, comedy, visual arts, folk music and popular music, attracting over 50,000 visitors.
Tel: +44 (0) 28 9097 1034
Web: www.belfastfestival.com

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