Genealogy Steps 4 to 10

Genealogy Steps 4 to 10

4. Work backwards

Start with the most recent information that you know, i.e. your parent/s, and then work backwards. Each link must be solid or proven. Don't assume things. It is very easy to make a false assumption along the way and end up researching someone else's roots.

5. Don't Rely totally on Old Family Myths and Legends

We all like to believe that we are descended from King Brian Boru (died 1014), or that our people owned a large estate in Ireland before they were dispossessed, but for the moment it is better to rely on facts. Sometimes there is a grain of truth in these stories, but usually they have 'improved in the telling' to say the least.

6. Join a Family History Society or Group

If you are able to locate a family history group near you, then it would be well worth your while contacting them. They will be a mine of information and a great help to you in your research.

7. Subscribe to a Genealogy Magazine/s or Journal

It would be worthwhile subscribing to a genealogy magazine or journal published in your own country, and also to an Irish one, for example 'Irish Roots', a quarterly publication in Ireland.

8. Seek Old Documents

Seek out old letters, bible entries and photographs. Look up obituaries in old newspapers and publications if you have an idea of the person's date of death. If the ancestor was a member of any organizations check to see if there are any records available.

9. Gravestone Inscriptions

Have a search for gravestone inscriptions in the cemetery where they were buried. These will often give you the estimated age, which in turn will give you an idea of the date of birth. Sometimes they will also provide you with the name of their place of birth, the names of their families and other unexpected information.

10. Visit Local Library

Call to the local library nearest to where your ancestor lived and check for what archives are available. There may be old newspaper archives and these may be indexed. You can then check for notices of births, marriages and deaths as well as obituaries.

Irishgen Ltd. 2002

Guide to Tracing Your Roots
Steps 1 to 3 Steps 4 to 10 Steps 11 to 17 Steps 18 to 20 Steps 21 to 22


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