Drombeg Stone Circle

Drombeg Stone Circle

Drombeg Stone Circle, Glandore, West Cork, Ireland


"Drombeg" means "the small ridge." This stone circle is locally known as the Druid's Altar. It is set at the edge of a rocky slope, in a beautiful greenbelt by the sea. Originally 17 massive stones, it is now composed of 13 stones. It's solemn symmetry invites the imagination to run wild - what mysterious rites were once perform here? Some believe a ceremony occurred during the Winter Solstice sunset.

To the west of the circle are the ruins of two stone huts. The smaller of the two has a cooking place, probably used for ceremonial purposes. It was still in use in the 5th century AD. By dropping red hot coals into the pool, it was discovered that it is capable of bringing 70 gallons of water to a boiling temperature in just 18 minutes.


Glandore, Co. Cork

How to get there

By car:

From Rosscarbery, take R597 west toward Glandore to Drombeg Stone Circle.

By bus:

See www.buseireann.ie website for all current travel details and restrictions.

Opening times

Open all hours.

Admission fee

Free entry.

My experience

In is wondrous to just stand in the space, quietly. Standing at the center of the ring gave me a powerful feeling, like that of being on stage and having all eyes on me. I imagined a ring of people around me, standing next to each stone. Or people dancing in a circle around me. Much could have occurred in this space, much that we do not understand today. It is also believed that stones mark the crossing of important underground rivers.


Written by Liz O' Malley - Summer of Travel 2007

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