The international dialling country code for the Republic of Ireland is 353 and for Northern Ireland is 44
To call a phone in Ireland from outside Ireland please dial the following sequence:
International Access Code + Country Code + area code* + phone number
*Drop the first zero from the area code.
For example to dial an ROI number 021 123 4667 dial as follows:
From UK & Europe: 00 353 21 123 4567
From USA & canada: 011 353 21 123 4567
From Australia: 0011 353 21 123 4567
From New Zealand: 00 353 21 123 4567
For example to dial an Northern Irish number 028 1234 5678 dial as follows:
From UK & Europe: 00 44 28 1234 5678
From USA & canada: 011 44 28 1234 5678
From Australia: 0011 44 28 1234 5678
From New Zealand: 00 44 28 1234 5678